David Roberts

NA Vice President, Architecture


Out With The Old, Everything Is (Almost) New

In spite of the changes introduced by geo-political changes, globalized business, supply chain contraction and destructive technologies – organizations are still required to do the five key things that power their value chain. Products & Services are created (1), ecosystems are leveraged to move these Products & Services to the right place at the right time (2), demand is generated and managed with precision (3), an unparalleled experience must be delivered to provide distinction for the organization (4) and the operations powering the business (Finance, HR, IT, etc.)(5) must function in a way that constantly drives greater efficiency as leverage to protect the value of the organization. In this session, you will hear how global companies like Google, Bank of America and Exxon have embraced SAP technologies as the cornerstone of Data, People and Ideas to power the future with Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Cloud Computing. Use this keynote as a guide for personalizing your agenda throughout the communities and sessions delivered at Connecting SAP Fusion South Africa!

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