Anurag Barua

Transformation Leader


AI: The power, Promise, and Perils
A keynote address that will try to shine the spotlight on AI in general. The key theme is: AI has tremendous power and even greater potential to transform our lives. We see a lot of that happening right in front of your eyes, in every aspect of life. This power and potential do not come without its own perils. AI used without checks, balances, and responsibility will be a bane, not a boon. SAP provides a textbook example of how AI can be harnessed for its power and potential and managed for its perils with its 'Business AI' philosophy.

Tangible Learnings: 
1. AI is the dominant technology trend across the world. 
2. Although we seem to have achieved a lot with AI, we may yet only have touched the tip of the iceberg. 
3. AI needs to be used responsibly in order for it to deliver meaningful value to you - SAP ensures all of this with its Business AI philosophy

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