
Dive into our curated collection of thought leadership, expert analyses, and industry trends. Here, you’ll find the latest insights to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of business and innovation.

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Navigating the New World of AI – New Best Friend or Thorn in Your Side?

Got the AI bug? Eager to work out how to exploit the latest tech for a sharper competitive edge? We asked Nerika Maharaj (Data, privacy and compliance specialist) and Chris Hathaway (Co-founder of Cloud Essentials and cloud technology expert) for their thoughts on the power of AI and how transformative it will be to the legal industry. Continue the conversation at the Cloud Essentials’ stand at the Legal Innovation & Tech Fest on 6-7 November. Nerika: We’re hearing a lot

Sharpen Up Your Competitive Edge with an Innovative Approach to eDiscovery Consumption

eDiscovery is often described as the process of identifying, collecting, reviewing and producing electronic information relating to a legal case or investigation. While technically accurate, this description can be misleading in that it implies the use cases for eDiscovery solutions are limited to litigation and investigation, alone. Is it time to re-think eDiscovery as a value-add service rather than a necessary evil? In reality, the systematic analysis of a body of client-supplied electronic information forms a core part of a

Contract Drafting: Unlocking the Power of Legal Design to Reduce Misunderstanding and Foster Business Success

In the new legal landscape powered by technologies and other digital tools, one area where the principles of legal design innovation are making a profound and positive impact is contract drafting. Legal design is a relatively new concept that refers to the integration of design principles into the realm of law. Its ultimate goal is to enhance the human-centered nature of legal systems and services, ensuring they are both user-friendly and satisfying. Designing contracts with the user in mind is

Harnessing Creativity and Innovation for Success in Today’s Legal World

In an industry rooted in tradition and precedent, the concepts of creativity and innovation may initially appear counterintuitive for legal professionals. The legal field has long been associated with unwavering adherence to traditions and long-established norms. However, in today’s dynamic legal landscape, where change is the only constant, creativity and innovation have evolved from being unconventional to essential. Clients are no longer satisfied with cookie-cutter legal services. They expect innovative approaches that not only solve their legal issues but also

How to Thread Data Literacy Into the Fabric of Your Business Culture

Organisational culture is a topic that really started to take shape and form in the early nineteen-eighties; it was around this time frame that executives started taking notice of corporate culture and the impact that it has on the organisation’s overall performance. If it is the case that the organisation is not performing, what cultural elements are impacting the negative performance and how do we change this? There is a lot of literature from an HR perspective in tackling some

How to Thread Data Literacy Into the Fabric of Your Business Culture

Organisational culture is a topic that really started to take shape and form in the early nineteen-eighties; it was around this time frame that executives started taking notice of corporate culture and the impact that it has on the organisation’s overall performance. If it is the case that the organisation is not performing, what cultural elements are impacting the negative performance and how do we change this? There is a lot of literature from an HR perspective in tackling some

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